Sharing your exhibit helps new exhibitors improve their exhibits and allows researchers to learn from your work. It also preserves your work for future generations of philatelists.
Posting your exhibit online– While you can mail a paper copy of your exhibit, an electronic digital PDF copy is preferred.
Most scanned exhibits are too large to send as email attachments, so we recommend sending the files using a file sharing service such as Dropbox, or WeTransfer, which is free and comes with step-by-step instructions.
Email to USSS Exhibits Manager
Exhibits Online – If you are willing to have your exhibit posted on the USSS website, print and sign the USSS Exhibit License form and send it to:
United States Stamp Society
P.O. Box 3508
Joliet, IL 60434-3508
Need to update your online exhibit? Send us a revised copy and we’ll add it to the collection.